
My work proceeds in several currents.

First, I create liturgical images and objects for various faiths and denominations, striving to master the variety of styles and symbols called for by diverse spiritual traditions, and harmonizing my work to the architectural setting. I find myself enriched by collaborating with clergy, laity and architects.


Second, I create Abstract sculpture in which I probe beneath the surface appearance of the world to find the dynamic interplay of energies at the heart of matter, to bring the realm of the invisible into sight, to compose a sort of visual music.


Third, I create unique, original calendric, solar sculptures—seasonal sundials and participatory sundials—that I hope can momentarily draw us into an intensified relationship to the earth and sky.

I try to inform the spiritual images with the precision of the scientific images and to inform scientific images with the grace of the spiritual. And I try to bring a keen sense of abstract clarity to them all.